Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pregnancy- Weeks 1-5

The first 4 weeks of pregnancy are a breeze. Actually- in the 40 week count weeks 1 & 2 you are not even pregnant yet. Your body is ovulating and preparing. Week 3 is when you have actually conceived and the small egg is fertilized and turns into a blastocyst which makes it way to uterus to implant into the uterine wall. The only noticeable change may be a slight increase in your body temperature. But if you are like most people you have no idea you are pregnant and you go about life as normal. If you're like me- you might go to a concert and have a margarita or two in which you will spend the first week of knowing you are pregnant obsessing over all the deformities you are sure you caused (but have not- it would take a truckload of margaritas and probably some meth to make a difference). During week 4 your little one is about the size (or smaller) of a poppyseed. This is when you may notice a little bit of implantation spotting (light pink blood) but it should not cause any worried because you don't even know you are pregnant yet. Week 5 is when exciting things start to occur- such as a missed period and a home pregnancy test. And guess what comes with that little stick with two lines?

The beginning of a host of symptoms- tender boobs, exhaustion, maybe even nausea, peeing ALL the time and even some cravings or food aversions. For me that week 5 was memorable. I had missed a period and took a home pregnancy test while my husband was on his way home from a hunting trip. Which means I was alone. Which means I paced around my house, went to Walgreens & bought the expensive test to retake it, paced around my house some more, cried in joy, cried in terror and talked aloud to myself for like 2 hours. If someone would have seen me I would have been admitted to a psyche ward. It was so unbelievably exciting, terrifying, wonderful and surreal all at the same time. There was something...someONE...inside my stomach. I mean think about it. It's super weird but awesome at the same time. Week 5 was a fun one. I had no symptoms and was high on life! My husband was so happy and we couldn't hold in the news so we told my parents and siblings but kept it at that. So if you are Week 5 right now- congratulations & enjoy it!! DO NOT stress over those shots of vodka you took when the baby was a microscopic size. The baby is fine. It actually does not even resemble anything close to a baby yet. Enjoy this time with your cute little body, your happiness, your symptom free week of bliss. Because as I type this I am now 33 weeks-I feel hungry, I have to pee and that sweet little microscopic speck she once was is now 4 pounds or so and kicking the crap out of my right rib. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves- we have a fun journey to go through week by week of your pregnancy.